Vision Investments has the pleasure to be associated with organisation of The Annual Local Government Week and
exhibitions will be held in Mwanza from 24th June to 1st
July, 2012. This Annual event will be hosted in Mwanza Region by Mwanza City
Council, the cleanest city in Tanzania for seven years consecutively. We have
the honor and privilege to introduce to you the 8th Local Government
Week and Exhibition which will be held at Kirumba Stadium. This Annual high
level celebration of local government fraternity will also be held at Urban and
District Council headquarters as well as ward and village levels throughout

Within the spirit of Public Private
Partnership which is currently promoted by the government this annual event is
an occasion to show real partnership by bringing together political leaders and
representatives from local governments, Central Government Ministries,
Departments and agencies and their counterparts in the public and private
entities, CSOs and the general public to discuss opportunities and ways to
improve service delivery and creation of prosperity in a win-win situation.
Central Government and Local Government spend at least 80% of their budgets in
procuring different goods and services from various supplies.
Vision apart from general management key emphasis is placed on publicity and resource mobilisation inline with PPP initiative by the Government.
8th Annual Local Government and
Exhibition will bring together the following decision makers and stakeholders
at Kirumba Stadium, Mwanza.
- 133 Mayors and Chairmen from urban and district councils in
- 133 Council
Directors of from urban and district councils in Tanzania;
- 21 Members of Parliament who are members of ALAT General Assembly
- Government
officials from Ministries, Department and Agencies;
- Development partners and Representatives of Embassies;
- 40
Associations and Trade unions
- Councilors from all the LGAs in Mwanza
- Invited
delegates and stakeholders;
- More than 200, 000
residents of Mwanza and the general public;
- Traders, artisans
and various entrepreneurs from all sectors;
For participation please call:
0754 280 491 Ally Nchahaga
0764 944 511 Joseph Mlinzi
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